
This is a legal agreement between you, the purchaser, and this project. By purchasing any icons from this website, you agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement.

All ownership and copyright of the licensed icons remain the property of this project.

These icons can be used for any commercial or personal projects. Including web designs, blog themes, software, advertising, film, video, and games.

You may not lease, license or sublicense the icons.

All icons are provided “as is” without warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. This project shall not be liable for loss of data, loss of production, loss of profit, loss of use, loss of contracts or for any other consequential, economic or indirect loss whatsoever in respect of sale, purchase, delivery, use of the icons.

You can get the latest version at any time from this website (No extra fees).

Have a question? Please contact me at email .

Some icons are beyond the scope of this license.